I will take care of it

Authors & performers: Oda Holmvik Bredvold (Norway), Hanna Junti (Estonia), Maria K. Landmark (Norway), Karsten Lunde (Norway), Maya Mi Samuelsen (Norway), Sigrid Savi (Estonia), Nele Tiidelepp (Estonia) and Margaret Tilk (Estonia)
Sound: Kymbali Williams
Sound support: Janar Sarapu
Dramaturgical support: Maret Tamme
Costume design: Marili Järv
Duration: 60 min
Language: English

Additional performers: Uik Leete, Raul Markus Vaiksoo, Triinu Aron, Annika Ader
We would like to thank: Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, Amanda Stuart Fisher, James Thompson, Joan Tronto, Israel Aloni, Tori Wrånes, Jennifer Lopez, Faye Driscoll, Raul Oreškin, Stina Leek, Lauri Mei, Miikael Tiidelepp, Tiina Tubli, Raul Markus Vaiksoo
Photographer: Luisa Greta Vilo
Producer: Sirli Oot, Anita Bjørkli

The performance is free with registration. The performance starts at the entrance on the side of Tartu Herbert Masingu School Academy, check out the location here

The performance on the 3rd of August is followed by a party celebrating the end of the project at ULA bar, event here

She braided her hair while sweating in a room heated up by oil made by tiny creatures from the past, drilled from the ground by men with rough hands.

American philosopher Judith Butler states that sustaining life will be in the forefront of future activism. Maintaining, continuing and repairing “our city” so that we can live in it as well as possible. The self, the collective, the Earth. Committing to the flourishing and growth of individuals; yet acknowledging our interconnectedness and interdependence. How to be ourselves in the city, and how can we be of service to each other? What does care look like? 

Focusing on the baroqueness of everydayness, the uneventfulness of life in the city, and the domestic unimpressive ways in which we get through the day.


“I will take care of it” is a promenade dance performance which engages with public space. Oda Holmvik Bredvold (Norway), Hanna Junti (Estonia), Maria K. Landmark (Norway), Karsten Lunde (Norway), Maya Mi Samuelsen (Norway), Sigrid Savi (Estonia), Nele Tiidelepp (Estonia) and Margaret Tilk (Estonia) are eight artists who together form a temporary interdisciplinary collective of needs, wishes, dreams and skills, all searching for softness and connecting to the phenomenon of dancing bodies in the city space. 

The performance is part of Moving Cities, a residency and performance project organized by Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL) and Davvi – Center for the Performing Arts. The Moving Cities residency and performances are part of the main programme of European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 and Bodø 2024, part of ECOC 2024 Duo Networking project and is supported by EEA and Norway Grants.